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William Gilcrist
2405 Haviland Ct
Mansfield Ohio 44903


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Welcome Vikings

William R. Gilcrist Jr. Class of 1974
Site Created 2006
Click Here

 William (Bill) Gilcrist Jr. (1974)


This is a private alumni friendship site for anyone who attended
Akron North High School

This site is FREE OF CHARGE.

There are NO membership fees!
Please note:   
This site is not part of Akron's North High School official web site

Reunion Of The Decades 2010






  How to navigate the site:
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To get started - click on classmate profiles - find your year - click on your name
Can’t find your name? Click Contact Us and follow instructions.

*** Leave your stories or a message on our Viking Forum found by using the tab on the top of this page.
***  Search for classmates by using the Profiles tab then click on the year you want to search.
***  View photos, history, site contacts, and search other information by clicking on the titles on the left side of this page.
***  We encourage dialog, reunion news, and searches for friends.

*** Post an event or benefit under the ANNOUNCEMENTS.
*** See what you can do on your page by clicking HERE OR HERE.
*** When building your page remember other Alumni would like to see your life events and what you have been doing.

Akron North High School 


  -------This site is dedicated to-------

John Mohan

Please click on his name.

Class of 1974 and His Family


He was a dear friend and loved by all.


William Horner (1996)  10/21
Gordon Jones (1970)  10/21
Tina Staats (2005)  10/21
Kay Basile (1992)  10/22
James Collins (1967)  10/22
Phillip Jones (2001)  10/22
Andrew Corbett (1975)  10/23
LeeAnna Jones (1974)  10/23
Jim Tall (1969)  10/23

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